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Books And The Stories They Tell

Good books tell stories of times and places as nearby as yesterday and as far away as the most distant star.  Memoirs and histories of families, countries and communities relate stories that only the writers can tell -- in their words, written during the time when the events described actually took place. Like time capsules and photographs, stories preserve history in all its detail -- happy and sometimes incredibly sad. That is the goal of Gerisa Books, to retell the stories of each writer as though that person is here with us today.

The message of a story is quite a different matter, since each of us experiences a book and the stories it holds in a unique way, based on our own life experiences. Well written stories draw us in, making it possible to experience the events from a perspective that might be quite different from our own. And that can be life-changing. 

We invite our readers to step into the times and places described in each book. During the process of editing and translating, care has been taken to maintain the voice of each writer, whether the story was written yesterday or long ago.


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Wedding Photo of Martha & Pinkas Isaak in the Collection of the Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust. Gift of Beth Gerson and M. David Isaak.

Our Books are Available at or through your favorite online bookseller.

Excerpt From Missing Pieces...
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